For those of you with e-Commerce sites, there's nothing more satisfying than getting that "ka-ching" email with a new sale. And there's nothing more perplexing than seeing all that potential revenue of "almost sales" sitting in your abandoned cart list.
Michael Klausner

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You figured out how to get an email list with a few thousand names, and now you want to blast the heck out of it so money rains back down on you. Makes sense, except email marketing is about quality rather than quantity.
In the online world there are many tools out there that can help you to grow your business. Some of these inbound marketing tools include landing pages, calls-to-action and lead forms on a website. Others include advertising campaigns such as Google display ads and Facebook ads to drive product-specific, high-intent traffic to your e-commerce portal.
Nate, one of my partners at our marketing agency, was looking to engage a prospect with whom he did not have a follow-up call set. He was preparing to reach out to the prospect, but was having difficulty phrasing an email that was not so saccharine.