Screaming Garlic Idea Library

Michael Klausner  

Michael has over 25 years of marketing experience. His career has encompassed all aspects of marketing from strategy to branding to communications. He has played roles on both the agency and client sides of the business, has worked on both the domestic and international level, and is well-versed with all levels of brands from large global corporations to bootstrapped startups.

Recent Posts

This Is Why Online Advertising Is Still About Patience

As a marketing agency we get many clients who want to advertise their products and services through AdWords and Facebook, but don't want have the patience to wait for the results. The thinking is that since it's digital it must be quick. And if you don't see the results instantaneously, something must be wrong.

5 Things Best Buy Did to Survive Amazon That Will Make Your Business Better, Too!

With the recent bankruptcy news about Toys R Us due to their inability to pivot in the age of digital marketing, it is interesting to see what Best Buy did to renew and resuscitate their business when all signs pointed to their demise a short while ago.

New Google Warnings For Non-HTTPS Content Starting In October

Just when you thought you were getting your arms around the latest Google issues, there's another one coming down the pike which is quite significant.

What We Can Learn from the Russian Facebook Hacking for Our Own Marketing Efforts

Each day we seem to learn more about the Russian operatives who set up an array of misleading Web sites and social media pages to identify American voters susceptible to propaganda. Those involved with the current investigation say these operatives then used a powerful Facebook tool - Custom Audience - to repeatedly send them messages designed to influence their political behavior.

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