Screaming Garlic Idea Library

Michael Klausner  

Michael has over 25 years of marketing experience. His career has encompassed all aspects of marketing from strategy to branding to communications. He has played roles on both the agency and client sides of the business, has worked on both the domestic and international level, and is well-versed with all levels of brands from large global corporations to bootstrapped startups.

Recent Posts

A Brief History of Thanksgiving - Garlic Style

Happy Thanksgiving! This is one of the great American holidays and we all have so much to be thankful for on this coming Thursday. Not just for the sales that you will be bombarded with thanks to many of us in the digital marketing and advertising space, BUT for something even greater - freedom, liberty and peace!

Gary V Puts it into Perspective

This past week has been whirlwind for much of the country and perhaps the world where different perspectives abound. In fact, "perspective" has become a much more interesting word as we all try to understand each other and hopefully respect one another's individual viewpoints.

Facebook Advertising Advice: 10 Tips From Experts

Facebook started as a way for college classmates to communicate, and it’s since evolved into a hub for content creation, sharing, and advertising.

6-Steps to Branding Your Business on a Budget

In marketing, it seems like the word "brand" is used a lot -- the leading brand, off-brand, personal brand . . . and so on . . .

But there's often confusion around its meaning in business. What does it entail? Do I need to hire an expert? Branding is expensive, right?

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