Screaming Garlic Idea Library

What to do when Gmail is down ...

Just found this "hack" to help you access gmail when it goes down. The reality is that your email is still accessible, it's just the ability to reach is what becomes difficult.

Mobile Phones - Advertising and Tracking You

We're not sure where you stand on privacy issues in the consumer advertising space, but we're okay with ads popping up and telling us things they think they want us to know. Then again, we're in the advertising business. But now things are changing in the mobile advertising and tracking space.

Storytelling ... Is that the secret sauce?

Once again our local neighbor, Gary Vaynerchuk, makes an interesting point about future successes in digital media. It's storytelling, stupid!

Forget the NSA - Predictive Apps Are Scarier

All the recent talk about the leaker and what he leaked about the Government's unfettered access to our personal lives is the stuff of spy novels and Big Brother theory. It's the new mind-reading apps that are available now that may put more fear and awe into our hearts.

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