The traditional website design process is broken.When you last launched your website, it was likely nothing more than thousands of guesses with a sprinkle of intuition, wrapped up in a hypothesis. The problem is compounded by the fact that when the next iteration launches, the original hypothesis, whatever it was, is rarely validated. Cross your fingers and hoping the site performs well is not a...
We all have that gut feeling. It’s those instincts we use to understand our surroundings. It’s that little voice we use to sense danger and uncertainty. It’s that “flight or fight” response that is secreted into our bloodstream from our adrenal glands telling us not to go down a dark alley. These instincts help us survive and influence what goes on in our minds.
It's a trick question. You don't. After all the energy, effort and money you've put into your latest web redesign effort, you were just happy to get to launch day still sane. And, what does your project plan look like after the launch? How does it become a learning tool and not just a black hole?
It's the perfect recipe for success. Have others create original content for you and your brand. When executed well, the authenticity, the rawness and the potential viral power make trying to attract UGC (User Generated Content) a very attractive proposition.