Screaming Garlic Idea Library

Michael Klausner  

Michael has over 25 years of marketing experience. His career has encompassed all aspects of marketing from strategy to branding to communications. He has played roles on both the agency and client sides of the business, has worked on both the domestic and international level, and is well-versed with all levels of brands from large global corporations to bootstrapped startups.

Recent Posts

Server Disruption

We still remember the days of redundant server farms and the need to keep adding more server capacity as business grew. It's truly amazing what Amazon has done to change the playing field and provide virtual servers in the clouds. The barriers to starting a business are dropping as the power of computing grows and lets you do remarkable things more readily.

Rogers High Fidelity - Going Retro

Rogers High Fidelity of Warwick, NY is doing something unique in the audio enthusiast world - they're going back in time. And Screaming Garlic is happy to help them take this step backwards.

UEC - Full of Energy

United Energy Consultants, a B2B energy broker, worked with Screaming Garlic recently to revamp their marketing image and launch their new website.

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