Screaming Garlic Blog

The Ultimate Guide to Blog Post Best Practices – Part 5

Written by Michael Klausner | May 5, 2016 3:35:44 PM

These posts will guide you through 5 important blogging best practices. We will focus on each one of these steps individually. We recommend following these steps in order, and we have broken them down into bite-sized pieces of information.

In Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 we focused on the best practices of how to choose your topic, title, the importance of keywords, how best to format your blog for optimal viewing, how to promote offers on your blogs to get leads, and how to promote your blog posts.

In this post, we’ll talk about how to Analyze the Performance of your Blog Posts:

Finally, after all the hard work you have put into your blog post research, writing, design and promotion, it’s time to analyze the performance of your blog posts to see how you’re doing and where you can improve.

  1. Look at the number of views for each blog post. This is a great way to figure out which blog content is performing the best. Knowing what content is popular can help you decide what types of posts to write next.
  2. Filter your most popular posts by topic, author, or even the channel that you promoted it on. Learn what topics you should continue to write about, reward the popular authors, and determine the best way to promote your blog posts.
  3. Look at the number of clicks on the Call-to-Action at the end of an individual post. Are you converting any qualified leads? Are certain offers performing better than others?
At the end of the day, it’s important to write consistently and frequently.

Commit yourself to a blogging schedule. The more often you blog, the more likely you are to get found. After all, each new blog post is an opportunity to attract new visitors. The more often you post quality content, the more you will see your blog grow and influence your business.


If you made it through all 5 important blogging best practices, then congratulations! You should now have a grasp of the fundamental strategy and best practices for getting your blog up and running, so that you can begin to attract new visitors and convert them into leads.


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