Screaming Garlic Blog

A Brief History of Thanksgiving According to Us

Written by Michael Klausner | Nov 22, 2017 11:19:06 PM

Thanksgiving is upon us and we have many things to be thankful for. This is a wondeful time of year as friends and family of all backgrounds and ideas come together to celebrate our rich history and give thanks for where we come from.

For us, we are thankful that digital marketing continues to bring bountfiul rewards for our clients. We are thankful to live in a country where ideas from all aspects are allowed to be expressed openly and freely. We are even more thankful when these ideas receive tolearance and understanding. But mostly we are thankful for those who are close to us remain healthy and happy.

Understanding the story of Thanksgiving is an important lesson to recount. And to help you do this we prepared this colorful, informative infographic to provide a brief history of this event over time according to us.

Feel free to download and share. And have a wonderful, joyous and thankful holiday. Click below:

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